Thursday, July 7, 2011

What Do You Need to Run

To run really only requires shoes, and even that seems up for debate these days. As we become "a runner," we each develop our own habits or routines around what we need. Personally, I would say I "need" the following:
  • Running shoes
  • Arch-supporting socks
  • Knees straps (one for each leg)
  • Shorts, capris or tights, depending on weather
  • Sports bra
  • Singlet, T or long-sleeved top, plus a jacket if it's cold
  • Hat
  • iPod
Sometimes, all of this gear plus the actual run feels like work. To keep my attitude up and the run feeling fresh, I occasionally remove an item or two. Today's run was made a little more fun just by running without socks.

Don't be afraid to leave your hat, heart rate monitor or even iPod at home sometimes. Change is good!


  1. What kind of knee strap do you wear? As I up my mileage in my training for my first 1/2 I'm feeling like I might want to consider wearing knee straps (a la Cho-pat) as a preemptive strike.

    Love your blog!

  2. Hi Melissa,
    I wear two different straps. The one I bought while training for my last marathon is made by Ace. You've inspired me to do a post on knee straps, so details coming later today, but the short of it is: I like the Ace strap best of the two. I bought it at Walgreens or CVS. It wasn't that much and it really helped with some internal bruising I was having from pounding out long mileage.
    Hope that helps for now. Pictures and a post coming soon!

  3. Thanks for the info! Nice to be able to buy something for running at a CVS or Walgreeens, that never happens :) Well, Ibuprofen, but that doesn't count.

    I look forward to reading your post about knee straps.

